Monday 7 March 2011


The educational system should prepare citizens for active participation in the progress of human society as a whole, for solidarity with those who suffer, for their own comprehensive development and the promotion of all mankind. As long as these are not the utmost objectives of education, we will inevitably continue talking about “school failure.”


The quality of a country’s educational system is not only an indicator of its current levels of development and social wellbeing, but also that of its future. It is not surprising that providing a universal education which is capable of stimulating the integral development of children and adolescents is also a strategic objective of great importance in the most advanced nations. Our country is not distant from concerns regarding education. It is for this reason that the education of our children and, in concrete, the problem of failure at school have become recurring objects of public debate.
Today the school finds itself facing the challenge of responding to demands which reflect the society we live in. A globalized, highly competitive, changing and increasingly complex world demands professionals open to continual education, capable of innovating and adapting to innovations and to managing themselves with ease in an environment very different from what it was just a few decades ago.
But education is not only an economic issue. On the contrary, the civic dimension of education has constituted, since its origin, the core of all democratic systems. The school effectively educates and trains professionals, but above all, citizens who can participate consciously and actively in the progress of the community to which they belong.

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