
Sunday, 26 January 2014

Lesson Plan for the Movie: "The Hunger Games"

Only for the educator: 

Click on the link for general Information about the film: 

Hunger Games Glance



The Hunger Games is set in a future dystopia.

What is a dystopia?

Click on the link to do the activity: Dystopian Fiction

dystopia (from Ancient Greek) anti-utopia is the idea of a society in a repressive and controlled state which seems to be ideal. Dystopian societies feature different kinds of repressive social control systems. Ideas and works about dystopian societies often explore the concept of humans abusing technology and humans individually and collectively coping, or not being able to properly cope with technology that has progressed far more rapidly than humanity's spiritual evolution. Dystopian societies are often imagined as police states, with unlimited power over the citizens.



The Hunger Games Questionnaire:

Activity #1 – Justice in Panem

1. What are District’s people’s lives like? Why is the film called “The Hunger Games"? What rights do people not have?

2. How are violence and threats used to oppress the people of Panem? What does oppression (the mistreatment or exploitation) demonstrated by Panem as the dominant group in society over the citizens of the districts look like, feel like and sound like?

These themes will re-emerge in Activity 2.

3. Click on the link to do the activity: District 12

The government elitists lack ethics and morals. In contrast,  an expression of dignity comes from the District 12 volunteer Katniss Everdeen. She enjoys closeness with nature and respect for life. When other participants in the Hunger Games are killed around her, she shows them respect with a burial ceremony. She only takes life for self defense.

At the end of the games, when she and her male partner are the last two survivors, the elitists government commands them to try to kill each other so that only one victor emerges. But, instead of giving in to this command, the two decide to eat poison berries together and thus demonstrate to the global audience watching the event that the government cannot have the freedom to decide when we live or die.

Draw out the following concepts

1. Hunger: key to world domination.
2. Control over land: humans are confined to certain areas. 
3. Ordinary “district” citizens versus “capitol” elites; huge differences.
4. Control over work and production: distribution of industries in the districts to maintain the capitol elites.
5. Control of the Media: The powerful control all media, and every broadcast is a staged theatrical event, completely fabricated to serve their interests.
6. Control of technology: While the masses live in misery and dejection, the elite live in stunning high-tech cities.
7. Use of Violence and fear: Capitol is based on instutionalised fear.

4.  What do you think “justice” means? How would you describe a socially just society?

Activity #2- Justice in the world

1. Take a look at the list (responses to question 2 above) of conditions in Panem. Are there similar problems in our own society? What examples of injustice or oppression do you see in our world?

2. What do people do to fight for justice against crimes such as: hunger, economic injustice and violence in our world today? Can you describe any activities you, your family or your group of friends have been involved in to promote justice?

3. What does PRESIDENT SNOW mean by:

Hope, it is the only thing stronger than fear. 
A little hope is effective, a lot of hope is dangerous. 
A spark is fine, as long as it's contained.

Reflect on why it can be dangerous for powerful people that ordinary people have real Hope that the evil will never win over the good and that the world can actually be transformed.


Click on the link to go to the activity: The Reaping Game

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