
Thursday, 5 December 2013

Christmas Solidarity Marches for Justice

The Christian Cultural Movement, SAIn Political Party, and Youth Solidarity Path, invite you to join more than 30 solidarity marches organised throughout the month of December in Spain and Latin America, with the purpose of representing the voice of the impoverished in the streets and of emphasising that hunger and other attacks on human life can be eradicated if the political will exists.

Extracted from:

Every day, more than 100,000 people -half of them children- die of hunger

Campaingn for Justice in North-South Relations
Thou Shalt Not Kill (God)
More than 2,500 million people in the world live on less than 1.50 euros a day, and 90% of the world’s population owns only 17% of its wealth. As a result, the economic North has built walls and fences along their borders with poorer nations in an attempt to fence in hunger. Along these borders, violence and death await the millions of migrants who try to cross through Central America, across the Strait of Gibraltar, into Melilla, or over to Lampedusa.
Amidst the reorganisation of the imperialist economic system (or “crisis” as they call it), the world’s wealth has increased, while hunger has multiplied and the gap between rich and poor has grown. And as the richest 10% owns 83% of the world’s total wealth, the 3 biggest fortunes are equal to the GDP of the 48 poorest countries.
But yet again, the media machine of the First World would love to convince us that climate change is the main cause of hunger, tens of thousands of deaths, and the suffering of millions of families affected by the illness, loss of homes, famine and drought after typhoons or hurricanes.
The IMF and World Bank have been responsible for the implementation of the plans of “Structural Adjustment” that are now arriving on European shores but have been impoverishing Latin America, Asia, and Africa for over 25 years. These adjustments are provoking and increasing unemployment; precariousness; exploitation; the death of immigrants within our borders and evictions. And these measures help us to understand more and more what the oppressed of the Earth have been suffering for decades.
The Millennium Development Goals have been being used as a weapon against the poor, presenting them as the ones who are responsible for the injustices they suffer. On the other hand, they hide the robbery and exploitation of the economic North over the economic South. Meanwhile, instead of ending hunger (which is its main responsibility), the UN tries to exterminate the hungry by referring to abortion and contraception as “sexual and reproductive health”. That is how they refer to more than 2,000 million children aborted in the world in the last 25 years.
The Christian Cultural Movement has been denouncing and fighting against the causes of hunger, unemployment, and child slavery for more than 25 years. We have been vehemently denouncing what we see as a war of the powerful against the powerless.
Over the course of the years, we have affirmed that hunger will continue to exist as long as its causes are not dealt with. It will not be eradicated as long as:
·         Economic relations between nations are dominated by the rich: transnational corporations and financial organisations (the IMF, World Bank, and the WTO).
·         International trade is based on profit, slavery of children and adults, and the plundering of resources for the benefit of a wealthy minority.
·         A commercial monopoly governs who has access to the benefits of technological and scientific advances.
·         The international financial organisations favour speculation and the use of excessive or abusive interest rates.
·         The large, undemocratic, international organisations (UN, UNICEF, ILO) continue to serve as accomplices to the rich and powerful.
We therefore demand that the rich nations stop stealing from poorer nations and respect the inalienable dignity and rights of all human beings. Human beings must not be treated as commodities, and such treatment should be considered an attack on humanity and the most serious of crimes.
We defend authentic internationalist solidarity, and believe it is time for a radical change - for truly moral political behaviour and programs.
For that reason, the Christian Cultural Movement, SAIn Political Party, and Youth Solidarity Path, invite you to join more than 30 solidarity marches organised throughout the month of December in Spain and Latin America, with the purpose of representing the voice of the impoverished in the streets and of emphasising that hunger and other attacks on human life can be eradicated if the political will exists.
Christmas 2013

1 Sunday:
Coria del Río
: 11.45h Plaza San José: Concentración silenciosa 
13 Friday:
: Pta. Purchena: 19h. Marcha solidaria
14 Saturday:
: Pl. Ayuntamiento:19 h. Marcha Solidaria.
Córdoba: Bulevar-Gran Capitán (junto parroquia de S. Nicolás): 19h. Marcha Solidaria.
A Coruña: Jornada de difusión de cultura solidaria con acciones de denuncia de las causas del hambre, todo el día.
Albacete: Villacerrada: jornada de difusión de cultura solidaria, todo el día.
Jaén: Plaza Consittución: 12 h. Marcha solidaria
Granada: Fuente de las Batallas: 19h. Marcha solidaria
Santander: Pza. Ayuntamiento: 19:30h.
Barcelona: Desde Via Julia: 19 h. Marcha solidaria
15 Sunday:
Alcalá de Henares: C/ Mayor junto a los Santos Niños: 19h. Marcha solidaria.
Málaga: Pl. Constitución: 18.30h. Marcha solidaria.
Tortosa: Concentración
Villafranca de los Barros (Badajoz): 13:15, Plaza España. Concentración.
20 Friday:
: Pl. Andalucía: 19h. Marcha solidaria.
Huelva: C/ Concepción (junto a la iglesia): 19.30h. Concentración.
Torrelavega: Pza del mercado: 19:30h
21 Saturday:
: Plaza del Castillo: 12:30h.
Murcia: Pl. Sto. Domingo: 19h.: Concentración silenciosa.
Badajoz: Paseo de Huelva. 18: 30. Marcha solidaria
Santiago Compostela: Porta Faseira: concentración a las 19.30

Oviedo: Pl. Ayuntamiento: Festival de 12 a 14 h. Concentración silenciosa a las 13 h.
Burgos: 19.30h. Desde Plaza Santo Domingo de Guzmán. Marcha solidaria
22 Sunday:
: Plaza de España: 13h: Concentración silenciosa.
Madrid: Pl. España: 18h.
Sevilla: Pl. Encarnación: 18.30h. Marcha solidaria.
Valladolid: 19h. Desde C/ Santiago (junto Plaza Zorrilla). Marcha solidaria
29 Sunday:
Las Palmas
: Calle Triana: 19h: la Eucaristía por la Justicia, celebración del aniversario de Camilo Sánchez y a continuación la marcha y la concentración.

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