
Friday, 29 March 2013

Building Bridges between Faiths

MyJihad is a public education campaign that started in Chicago, US, that seeks to share the proper meaning of Jihad as believed and practiced by the majority of Muslims. Jihad means "struggling in the way of God". The way of God, being goodness, justice, passion, compassion, etc. It is putting up the good fight against whatever odds or barriers you face in your life. It is a central tenet of the Islamic creed that has unfortunately been widely misrepresented due to a) first and foremost, the actions of Muslim extremists, b) attempts at public indoctrination by Islamophobes who claim that the extremists are right and the rest of Muslims are wrong, and c) a selective media that understandably focuses on the sensational. This campaign is about reclaiming most Muslims' faith and its concepts from extremists, both Muslim and anti-Muslim. MyJihad includes displaying public ads on buses & trains, the use of #MyJihad hashtag on twitter, outreach on Facebook and Youtube, as well as speaking events and other initiatives.

Read Imam Mazhar Shaheen's Speech in Spanish - Lee el discurso de Imam Mazhar Shaheen en espaƱol

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