
Contemporary Slavery

Directly or indirectly, exploitative labor practices affect every person on earth today. The number of people being enslaved by this system is increasing dramatically. We are either the directly exploitative employer or, in most cases, the consumer of products made by unfree workers or the recipient of their services.

It is true that most of us, even those ones who live in enriched countries, could say that we are exploited in some aspects of our lives — at risk of foreclosure and unemployment, diminishing futures, increasing debts, shrunken space of freedom, accelerated dependence on a system that is rapidly failing.

Capitalism developed as a system based on enslavement and exploitation. All the UN, ILO, the World Bank, IMF and USAID “assistance” to impoverished  countries is not designed to help the nations receiving loans, but to enslave those nations to the neocolonial order, to give corporate interests access to rape and plunder those nations, particularly to steal their natural resources and exploit their labor.  The elites of those subject nations would be bribed to play along, but the primary goal was exploiting the peoples and resources of the subject nations. 

This section of the blog focuses mainly on contemporary slavery, which  includes the slave labor of men, women, and children, as well as forced prostitution, pornography, the selling of human organs, serfdom, debt bondage, the use of humans for armed conflict… For the few people who hold the strings of power some people are just disposable.

Some extracts from Laborem Exercens:

…capital is being unceasingly created through the work done with the help of all these means of production, and these means can be seen as a great workbench at which the present generation of workers is working day after day.

Thus, the principle of the priority of labour over capital is a postulate of the order of social morality…

In this context it should be emphasized that, on a more general level, the whole labour process must be organized and adapted in such a way as to respect the requirements of the person and his or her forms of life…

Besides wages, various social benefits intended to ensure the life and health of workers and their families play a part here. The expenses involved in health care, especially in the case of accidents at work, demand that medical assistance should be easily available for workers, and that as far as possible it should be cheap or even free of charge.

Another sector regarding benefits is the sector associated with the right to rest…

A third sector concerns the right to a pension and to insurance for old age and in case of accidents at work. Within the sphere of these principal rights, there develops a whole system of particular rights which, together with remuneration for work, determine the correct relationship between worker and employer. Among these rights there should never be overlooked the right to a working environment and to manufacturing processes which are not harmful to the workers' physical health or to their moral integrity.

All these rights, together with the need for the workers themselves to secure them, give rise to yet another right: the right of association,that is to form associations for the purpose of defending the vital interests of those employed in the various professions. These associations are called labour or trade unions. The vital interests of the workers are to a certain extent common for all of them; at the same time however each type of work, each profession, has its own specific character which should find a particular reflection in these organizations.

Once more the fundamental principle must be repeated: the hierarchy of values and the profound meaning of work itself require that capital should be at the service of labour and not labour at the service of capital.

From Laborem Excercens Encyclical, by John Paul II

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